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Lisa Leonard


Robert Sett

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Life Insurance Services

Did You Know THIS About Your Business 😳

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Did You Know THIS About Your Business 😳

If someone gets hurt at your business, whether they’re an employee, a customer, or whatever, you’re the one that’s open to lawsuits, medical bills, you name it. That’s why it’s so important to have the right amount of liability coverage on your business policy. It can literally be the difference between keeping your business and losing it.

THIS Could Literally Save You From Losing Your Business

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THIS Could Literally Save You From Losing Your Business

If your business gets sued, the typical limit on a typical business policy is a million dollars. Problems happen if you get sued for more. One option is they might come after your personal assets…so, the best way to protect yourself from that happening is with an umbrella policy, which is just an extra layer of insurance protection.

Don't Buy A Company Car Until You Know THIS

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Don't Buy A Company Car Until You Know THIS

The bottom line is, if your business has company vehicles and one of your employees gets in an accident that injures someone or causes property damage, you’re going to have a huge headache to deal with unless you have commercial auto policies on each of those vehicles.

Why Don't More Home Owners Do This? 🤦

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Why Don't More Home Owners Do This? 🤦

This is a really good home protection hack if your home gets broken into or it’s destroyed in a natural disaster. Make a home inventory list. Take pictures of all your valuables and add them to a simple spreadsheet. Every time you buy something of value…add it to the sheet…because the moment you make a claim that’s one of the first things they’re going to ask for.

Why Am I Paying So Much For Homeowners Insurance? 🤬

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Why Am I Paying So Much For Homeowners Insurance? 🤬

The internet is really to blame for confusing people about their home insurance because there’s a ton of variables. The size of your home, if you have a pool, your age, your occupation, you name it. So, I know this may sound simple, but the quickest way to avoid the confusion is to have an agent, like a human being who knows what they're doing, look at what you have to make sure you know what you’re getting.

Are You SURE Your Home Can't Be Taken From You??

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Are You SURE Your Home Can't Be Taken From You??

I have a client who just finished paying off his house and he wanted to know if it could still potentially be taken from him in a lawsuit. The scary answer is ‘yes,’ it absolutely can. Now, what’s going to make it a lot harder for someone to take your home in a lawsuit is to have an ‘umbrella policy’ set up to cover all of your physical assets.

This Is Such A Game Changer

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This Is Such A Game Changer

I’d say that most drivers don’t know they can add medical coverage to their auto insurance policy. Obviously, there is a premium for doing that, but what it means is that if you and your passengers get into an accident, regardless of who’s fault it is, and you don’t have health insurance…you can still get some help with your medical bills.


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If you’re lending your car to your kid it gets tricky because ‘permissive use’ insurance coverage only counts for someone who doesn’t live with you…and even if your child doesn’t live with you, if they still have your address on their license it’s hard to claim permissive use, so your best bet is to add them as a listed name on your policy so there’s no questions.

What No One Tells You Till It's Too Late

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What No One Tells You Till It's Too Late

The cost of your life insurance policy is a mixture of formulas, but simply put it’s based on your health. So, the older you get, the harder it is to get life insurance, the more expensive it is and ultimately the fewer options you’ll be eligible for.

Don't Let Anyone Drive Your Car Before You Watch This

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Don't Let Anyone Drive Your Car Before You Watch This

It happens all the time. A friend or neighbor borrows your car, they get into an accident and then the car owner is shocked when they find out that accident has affected their policy. Now, an easy way to avoid that is make sure you have a permissive use policy. That’s going to save you a lot of headaches.

What To Do If Your Term Life Policy Is About To End

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What To Do If Your Term Life Policy Is About To End

If your term life insurance policy is about to end, in some cases you might have more options than you think. You might be able to convert it into a whole life policy or buy a new term; it all depends on the carrier. But for the most part you should have options.

This Insurance Policy Can Prep You Before It's Too Late

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This Insurance Policy Can Prep You Before It's Too Late

Not enough people plan for long term care and as a result they leave it until it’s too late. However, if you buy a whole life policy right now and add a critical illness rider to it, you can use seventy five percent of that policy while you’re still living to pay for any care you need later in life.

What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need To Protect Me If My Business Gets Hacked?

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What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need To Protect Me If My Business Gets Hacked?

If One Of My Employees Steals From Me, Does Insurance Cover The Loss?

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If One Of My Employees Steals From Me, Does Insurance Cover The Loss?

I'm Being Non-Renewed By My Insurance Company. What Do I Do?

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I'm Being Non-Renewed By My Insurance Company. What Do I Do?

My Business Is Valued At $10M But My General Liability Only Covers Me Up To $1M. How Do I Get More Coverage?

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My Business Is Valued At $10M But My General Liability Only Covers Me Up To $1M. How Do I Get More Coverage?

How Do I Protect Myself If One Of My Employees Sues Me?

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How Do I Protect Myself If One Of My Employees Sues Me?

I Just Started My Own Business, What Kinds Of Insurance Coverages Do I Need?

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I Just Started My Own Business, What Kinds Of Insurance Coverages Do I Need?

I Have Private Mortgage Insurance, Do I Still Need To Buy Home Insuance?

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I Have Private Mortgage Insurance, Do I Still Need To Buy Home Insuance?

Why Is My Home Insurance Coverage Less Than The Value Of My House?

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Why Is My Home Insurance Coverage Less Than The Value Of My House?

I Have A Rental Property, Should I Make My Tenants Get Renters Insurance?

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I Have A Rental Property, Should I Make My Tenants Get Renters Insurance?

I'm Putting In A Swimming Pool. Do I Need Extra Coverage For That?

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I'm Putting In A Swimming Pool. Do I Need Extra Coverage For That?

Does Home Insurance Cover My $35K Engagement Ring?

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Does Home Insurance Cover My $35K Engagement Ring?

Does My Homeowners Insurance Include Earthquake Coverage?

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Does My Homeowners Insurance Include Earthquake Coverage?

I Drive For Uber And They Give Me Insurance. Do I Need To Get My Own Policy?

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I Drive For Uber And They Give Me Insurance. Do I Need To Get My Own Policy?

A Rock Cracked My Windshield On The Highway. Will Insurance Pay For That?

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A Rock Cracked My Windshield On The Highway. Will Insurance Pay For That?

Will My Tesla Get Repaired With Tesla Parts If I Get In An Accident?

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Will My Tesla Get Repaired With Tesla Parts If I Get In An Accident?

If I Rent A Car, Does My Auto Insurance Cover Me In An Accident?

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If I Rent A Car, Does My Auto Insurance Cover Me In An Accident?

What If I Get In An Accident And The Other Driver Doesn't Have Insurance?

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What If I Get In An Accident And The Other Driver Doesn't Have Insurance?

If I Let A Friend Borrow My Car, Am I Covered If They Get In An Accident?

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If I Let A Friend Borrow My Car, Am I Covered If They Get In An Accident?

Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have A Pre-Existing Condition?

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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have A Pre-Existing Condition?

Can I Get A 100 Year Life Insurance Policy?

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Can I Get A 100 Year Life Insurance Policy?

What’s The Difference Between Mortgage Insurance And Life Insurance?

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What’s The Difference Between Mortgage Insurance And Life Insurance?

Can I Get A Good Rate On Life Insurance If I Used To Smoke?

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Can I Get A Good Rate On Life Insurance If I Used To Smoke?

How Do I Find Out How Much Life Insurance Is Going To Cost?

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How Do I Find Out How Much Life Insurance Is Going To Cost?

What's The Difference Between Term Life And Whole Life Insurance?

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What's The Difference Between Term Life And Whole Life Insurance?

Term life provides coverage for a specific period of time and it’s usually cheaper than whole life.

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What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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5 m 30s

3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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5 m 30s

How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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5 m 30s

Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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If You Have Life Insurance Through Your Job

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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Get You Tax Free Income In Retirement

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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5 m 30s

3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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5 m 30s

How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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5 m 30s

Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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If You Have Life Insurance Through Your Job

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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Get You Tax Free Income In Retirement

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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5 m 30s

3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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5 m 30s

How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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5 m 30s

Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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If You Have Life Insurance Through Your Job

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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Get You Tax Free Income In Retirement

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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5 m 30s

3 Types Of Life Insurance And Why You Should Know

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How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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5 m 30s

How to leave TAX-FREE Money To Your Kids

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Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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5 m 30s

Make Sure You Don't Lose Your Business

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If You Have Life Insurance Through Your Job

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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Get You Tax Free Income In Retirement

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5 m 30s

What You Need If Your Spouse Passes Away?

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Robert Sett

Farmers Insurance Agent
Ventura, California
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Whatever your business is, we have the knowledge and the experience to help you find the right coverage for your needs.

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